Caring About Countries Other Than Texas Since 1964

Distinguished Authors

Distinguished Authors

Distinguished Authors

The Journal has been fortunate to publish articles from a number of eminent scholars and outstanding professionals, including:

William O. Douglas, former Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

William O. Douglas, former Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Dean Rusk, U.S. secretary of state under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson

Dean Rusk, U.S. secretary of state under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson

W. Page Keeton, former dean of The University of Texas School of Law

W. Page Keeton, former dean of The University of Texas School of Law

Thomas Buergenthal, former president of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Thomas Buergenthal, former president of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Richard J. Goldstone, former member of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda

Richard J. Goldstone, former member of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda

Charles Alan Wright, former professor at The University of Texas School of Law, co-author of the leading treatise Federal Practice and Procedure, and former president of the American Law Institute

Charles Alan Wright, former professor at The University of Texas School of Law, co-author of the leading treatise Federal Practice and Procedure, and former president of the American Law Institute

Louis Henkin, former president of the American Society of International Law, chief reporter of the Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, and former coeditor in chief of the American Journal of International Law

Louis Henkin, former president of the American Society of International Law, chief reporter of the Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States, and former coeditor in chief of the American Journal of International Law