Note Submissions
Note Submissions
Submissions are reviewed throughout the year on a rolling basis. Please include a cover letter, abstract, and full article.
We accept electronic submissions by e-mail at
Hard-copy submissions should be addressed to:
Submissions Editor
Texas International Law Journal
The University of Texas School of Law
727 E. Dean Keeton St.
Austin, TX 78705
The Journal seeks to provide authors with timely responses. However, due to the volume of submissions received, we are able to notify authors only regarding the Journal’s interest in publication. We may also hold articles for consideration in a future publication unless we are notified of a withdrawal.
Editorial Policy
In conformity with the standard practice of scholarly legal publications in the United States, the Texas International Law Journal holds copyrights to its published works. Neither the Editorial Board nor the University of Texas are in any way responsible for the views expressed by the contributors.
Note Submission Guidelines
The Texas International Law Journal welcomes submissions from students on topics relating to recent developments in international law. In addition to articles, the Journal also invites students to submit shorter works, such as comments, book reviews, essays, notes, and bibliographies for publication on our online forum.
The Texas International Law Journal Forum is the online companion to our printed issues. The Forum publishes original scholarship on topics relating to recent developments in international law, as well as responses to scholarship printed in the Journal. We prefer that manuscripts submitted to the Forum be no more than 3000 words in length.
Citation Guidelines
Manuscripts should conform with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and, to the extent feasible, follow The Chicago Manual of Style. Manuscripts should also be typewritten and footnoted where necessary. We prefer that manuscripts submitted to the Texas International Law Journal Forum lightly footnoted in comparison to articles printed in the Texas International Law Journal.
American publication standards are among the most stringent in the world. Members of the Texas International Law Journal are required to check all footnotes for both substantive accuracy and proper citation form. In accordance with this standard, we encourage our foreign authors to be specific in the identification of the type of source used, as well as the page numbers of factually cited material. If theJournal accepts the submission, there may be a need for more specific information over the course of the publishing process (such as source front matter identifying the date of printing, publisher, and type of source). While the Journal will make every effort to locate sources, some are simply unavailable in the United States. Every author whose work is accepted for publication should be prepared to provide source material at the Journal’s request.
Expedited Submissions
The Journal cannot guarantee an expedited review of submissions. Review of submissions usually requires two to four weeks.